May 31, 2010

God in His infinite wisdom....

God in his infinite wisdom made a world without borders why then do we need passports to get to meet a fellow human dear to us?

He made us all the same then why do we identify ourselves by names and categories He did not give us?  Birds and animals do not have such rules.  Is this the price we have to pay for being the "intelligent" species among His creation?

God in his infinite wisdom gave us a bountiful to enjoy and love and share then why do some of us have all and some of us have nothing?

I ponder over such thoughts time and again. I know everything is not right but God in his infinite wisdom also taught us hope and trust and gave us the will to change.  To change what is not His doing (or asking), to break all walls we have built around ourselves and feel the joyous world he has created for us.  

Sometimes life (like my picture in this post) is blurred...that is when I reach out to Him to see the beauty of His creation.......

May 7, 2010

Writer's block??

Is it really possible to have a writer's block even before you are called a writer (at least by your standards if not by other's standards)  Well guess what? Apparently it is!!  I am just one post old and I cant think of what to write!!  It is frustrating to not be able to pin the damn thought down and write a decent paragraph!  So that got me searching frantically for all those notepads I saved with my to-do lists and quotes and sometimes just random thoughts (I told you people I am not going down without a struggle and I am really taking this blogging thing least this time!)  And finally found something that interested me!  It is called the happiness project and had a long list of things I can do to be happy....but right now I am picking just one that fancies me the most at this moment...its called The One-Sentence Journal!  Now isn't that simple? Maybe I can come up with one sentence at a time...I can deal with paragraphs later!

Its really very simple all I got to do is write a single sentence about my day everyday!  You can complicate it by choosing a topic and writing something about it everyday but I like random so I am just going to ramble about something that catches my fancy!

If there is any soul out there actually reading are welcome to join me in my war against wordlessness!! (spell check tells me that is not a word...but I like it so I am keeping it...WTH its my blog aint it!)

So when do I start?  No better time than now right?  So here is my sentence for the day:

May7th 2010:  Really exciting day today!  Got two great news at once ( there is something incorrect about this sentence I cant figure what though!).  One of my good friend at work is now a proud mommy to a beautiful princess.  The second one isn't really ready yet...but fingers crossed and hoping for the best is all I can say right now!

May 6, 2010

Whew!! I guess I made it!!

Its strange that I have been an invisible blog reader for about a year now but still am too petrified to start one of my own. Why invisible? Because in my past year of blog reading I havent posted a single comment on any of them.....have gone as far as typing something in the comment box and deleting it but post a comment nah! never done that!! Maybe I am just scared of the big bad Internet world out there....or just too shy...but here I am taking the plunge!! hope I learn to swim and not go down without a struggle....and that is just what I am going to do...struggle to be the blogger I am in my dreams :-)