God in his infinite wisdom made a world without borders why then do we need passports to get to meet a fellow human dear to us?
He made us all the same then why do we identify ourselves by names and categories He did not give us? Birds and animals do not have such rules. Is this the price we have to pay for being the "intelligent" species among His creation?
God in his infinite wisdom gave us a bountiful to enjoy and love and share then why do some of us have all and some of us have nothing?
I ponder over such thoughts time and again. I know everything is not right but God in his infinite wisdom also taught us hope and trust and gave us the will to change. To change what is not His doing (or asking), to break all walls we have built around ourselves and feel the joyous world he has created for us.
Sometimes life (like my picture in this post) is blurred...that is when I reach out to Him to see the beauty of His creation.......