Jul 30, 2010

Silly me!

Do you remember the games you played as a child? Apart from the usual hide and seek, hopscotch and chor police (translates to thief and police) do you remember playing a game that was thought up by you? We all did our fair share of pretending to be kings queens princesses and tea leaves pickers (yup my fav!) dint we?
I remembered this game I use to play as a child all of a sudden and now I am laughing and cracking up so much that I think someone around me is going to send me off to a hospital for those who have lost some marbles!  All you have to do is switch the first characters of a person's first and last name and say it aloud.  So Julia Robert would become Rulia Jobert!  I know this is silly but that is why it is fun!  Try it and I bet even the most objective practical sophisticated one among you will at least crack a smile!