Jun 12, 2010

A letter to my friend...

While I went about thanking a stranger a few days back it hit me...Am I being this nice to my dear ones as well?  Uh...um..no not always..somehow I take them for granted and don't even show an iota of courtesy I would show to a stranger.  So here I am, in one more of my potpourri moments I want to remember forever.  This goes out to a dear friend who does not know how dear they are to me!

For all the talking I always do and all the ways I bug you it is the first time I have no words to say thank you! Thank you for being there, thank you for understanding and thank you for just being you!

This feels good....now that I have officially thanked you I can go back to being an annoying  bug in your life and you can go back to live in thin air! Hee Hee!!!

Does this sound like a personal letter to you dear readers? (I like the sound of "dear readers" although I know I am the only soul out here who has anything to do with this blog reading or writing!) then go ahead and do this for me will ya.. Go and thank the person who cares for you a lot but you take that as a given and see how it makes you feel..believe me you will love it! Go ahead say thank you!!!

Till next time...
take care and don't forget to smile (even at the cost of looking foolish it still is the best thing you can do to your looks!)

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