Jun 12, 2010

Who is the Potpourri Gal ??

The creator of this blog, the sole reader of this blog, the neglecter of this blog, the sneaker(I don't mean the shoe but I cant find another word I like right now) of many other blogs...well here is PG trivia for you to let you find out who I am ..

(OK at this point it sounds almost like I am doing an interview with myself and asking in an authoritative tone "So Ms. PG, please tell me about yourself" and then I start to prattle away details of what I did or tried to do and what I ended up doing. But you know what? if you hang around here for like the next 50 years or so waiting for the 10 blog posts I may or may not post you will realize coming from me that is so normal!)

Graduated high school.  (Whew!!)

Kissed someone. (your baby sister counts, so does your dog if you have/had one or stuffed toy...comon they are all important people right?)

Smoked a cigarette. (tried ..to be cool and all and then realization struck...cool and me could never be in one sentence ever!)

Got so drunk you passed out. (I passed out of college..I at least did half this sentence )

Rode every ride at an amusement park. (oh yes yes yes...honestly the child in me takes over..everytime)

Collected something stupid. (I must have been a mouse or a squirrel in my past life I think...I cannot throw away anything! movie ticket stubs, bottle caps, chocolate wrappers, toothpicks, a button from a fav dress I wore when I was six, one white seed I stole from the grocer while my mom shopped ...oh I have them all)

Gone to a rock concert. ( not rock but Indian classical music concert yes)

Helped someone. ( I think I have...I hope the Big Man up there has at least one written down for me ;-)

Gone fishing. (yes...every summer when we use to visit my grandmother in the village we use to fish using a piece of cloth...maybe someday I will tell you how it is done..)

Watched four movies in one night. (for a serious movie buff that is no big deal!)

Lied to someone. (I would be lying to the whole wide world if I did not admit to this one!)

Snorted cocaine. (NO! NO! NO!)

Smoked weed. (NO! NO! NO! NO!)

Failed a subject. (I got inspired by the saying failure is the stepping stone to success once during college)

Been in a car accident. (Thankfully no)

Been in a tornado. (Have been in a tropical storm (we call it a cyclone) many times. We don't get tornadoes around here and if they are as bad as shown in the movie Twister I think I would not missing them)

Watched someone die. (what does it say about me if I said no to this one....I have led a very protected life or I live on an island or..I don't know)

Been to a funeral. ( see what I said above.  That and the other reason being that women are not allowed to visit a crematorium in most families here.)

Burned yourself. ( I blame my zero hand eye coordination for it)

Run a marathon. (this is something I seriously wish to do once I get my lazy self to listen to me and start jogging)

Cried yourself to sleep. (A lot of times ..that is all I am going to say for now)

Spent over 10,000 bucks in one day. (Boy does that feel good..untill you get to see your bank balance later)

Flown on an aeroplane. ( who else hates what it does to your ear drums?)

Cheated on someone. (well I would first have to find someone to do that right?)

Been cheated on. (someone has not found me either :)

Written a 10 page letter. (yes and have done that for 10 yesrs too...I grew up in times when we actually had pen pals and e-mail was a word we had not heard of)

Gone skiing. (I wish I wish I wish.....not, no ways with my set of eyes and hands that would be a sure way to meet my maker!)

Been sailing. (see above)

Cut yourself. (the hormones during your teenage can be really mean sometimes)

Had a best friend. (thankfully yes)

Lost someone you loved. (RIP Tiger my most favorite dog ever forever)

Got into trouble for something you didn't do. (actually the opposite being the youngest sibling in a family has some advantages too!)

Stolen a book from the library. (Oh no the Library is my place of worship and I would never do that I would instead choose to spend my life in there if I had a choice)

Gone to a different country. (sadly not yet!)

Watched the Harry Potter movies. (that is still in my big list of to watch movies)

Had an on-line diary. (my blog is the same to me)

Fired a gun. (Remember the shoot the balloons game we had in the fairs?)

OK I should have lost anyone who was even just stumbling by my site and everyone else in between so I am quitting this huuuge post I started and going monosyllabic!
Gambled in a casino. (no)

Been in a school play. (100 times or more)

Been fired from a job. (still stuck to my first job for five years now)

Taken a lie detector test. (no)

Swam with dolphins. (no :-( )

Voted for someone on a reality TV show. (not worth it...it is all rigged anyway and I am the worlds biggest pessimist anyway!)

Written poetry. (your first crush on the country's biggest movie star will make you do crazier stuff thank God I stopped at poetry)

Read more than 20 books a year. (each and every year!)

Gone to Europe. ( virtually yes)

Loved someone you shouldn't have. ( the movie star remember?)

Used a coloring book over age 12. ( my 12 year old neighbor hates me for it)

Had a surgery. ( not yet!)

Had stitches. ( remember the part about protected life?)

Taken a Taxi. (duh!!)

Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once. ( the boon or bane of being in a desk job?)

Been in a fist fight. ( oh that would be a very stupid thing to do with my set of eyes and appendages!)

Suffered any form of abuse. ( high school mathematics should be legally classified as abuse I tell you...)

Had a pet. ( tiger forever)

Petted a wild animal. ( my kid brother falls under that category!)

Had your own credit card & bought something with it. ( and spelled my doom too!)

Dyed your hair. ( never pink or purple...that will be my lifelong regret....not!)

Got a tattoo. ( sometime soon..)

Had something pierced. (Traditionally in southern India all babies (both boys and girls)  have their ears pierced by the time they are a year old)

Got straight As. (OK there should be at least one thing I should have done right in my whole life right?)

Known someone personally with HIV or AIDS. (nope)

Taken pictures with a webcam. (huh?)

Lost something expensive. ( never had anything expensive to loose yet!)

Gone to sleep with music on. (yes and now all of you can add gone to sleep reading a blog post on your lists!)

I'd love to take this again in a couple of years to see how much more of this stuff I've done. And anyone who reads this is tagged!

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